Came across this topic, and never really thought about it. After all, it's just a toon. However, I did think that this would make quite the fun little writing exercise, and turned out this little gem:
The summer sun, late in the evening, cast a warm red hue across the plains that baby Mutegi was grazing. A fresh breeze brought with it a variety of aroma, the strongest and most pleasing being that of the delectable yellow and white petal flowers that dotted the landscape.
“Why hello there little one,” came a voice from behind. It was not his mother’s, for it was far too deep.
Mutegi, with stem still in mouth, turned to see an old Tauren standing behind him. He leaned on an equally aged and crooked staff, patches of gray dotted his dark coat of fur. “My name is Cryth. And you are?”
“Mutegi,” he replied, proudly pointing to himself.
“Care to see a trick little one?” Cryth then asked.
Mutegi simply nodded with a bright smile. He was always fond of tricks and games.
A moment later, Mutegi’s newest friend was no more. What lay before him was a frightfully large bear that sat on powerful haunches. Its face, though smiling, revealed a maw of horrifying teeth. Shocked, the little Tauren fell over backwards, screaming and crying.
Just as quickly, the bear disappeared and his kindly new friend was back, offering a consoling arm. “There, there little one,” he said soothingly. “I did mean to scare you so!”
Eyes still wide, Mutegi brought himself into a sitting, upright position. He sat silent for just a breath, his head turned to the side. With great joy and glee in his eyes, Mutegi started to laugh and clap. It was a fun trick indeed and one he would just have to be able to do.