Friday, March 31, 2006


Taxes: done
Interview: done
Query: done

Did I miss anything? Nope dont think so.

On another note: There's like a butt-load of gangs at this school. This one gang kept wanting me to join because I'm pretty good with a bo staff.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Torpedo ready, Capt'n!

Going to take my first shot tomorrow. Statistically speaking, will need at least a few more, but who knows. Maybe I'll score on the first one. And you can't have shot number two, three, four, etc. without a number one. Its rather exciting.

My interview went well today. Got nailed a bit on "What did you mean by the softer side? Because let me tell you how I took it." Argh! No I didn't mean it like that at all! Away with your thumb screws!

Interview #2 is tomorrow morning, and I think will go quite well too.

Megos 1 Dad 0

Told him to resign but no, he just had to play it out a few moves. Well, at least he resigned after he finally came to terms with the awesome might of Megoblocks. Down a whole rook and still fighting. My brother could have won it I'm sure, but we are not he.

Finally got my anything too. I think there should be a new name though, since Apollo was already used.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Twelve apply

Six survive.

Too bad I can't whip out the revolver and improve my odds. Apparently tho, not all of them are strong applicants, so that helps a little. My first round of interviews will be lined up soon, and it is certainly a plus I got invited to that at least. Three proff ones, and then a faculty interview and then I guess I'll know one way or another. End of April maybe?

Maybe I should sacrifice a chicken.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Oh, wicked, bad, naughty Zoot!

She has been setting alight to our beacon, which, I just remembered, is grail-shaped. It's not the first time we've had this problem!

Ha! I think she's also been meddling with my oil too. Turns out to have just been a bad sending unit. Go figure.

Monday, March 13, 2006

"Ask me a question I would normally lie to."

"Have you ever killed anyone?"
"Yes. (but they were all bad)"

Betcha not every spouse gets that response. Better to be the surprisor and not the surprisee I think. Still, gotta admit the tail ending comment is funny as hell.

Awww how cute

So I went out and bought Ollie lunch today. I took him out of his cage and placed him in the arena-o-death (the tub) so he could feed. He wasn't too hungry and just sort of looked at Mr Rat for a bit. I got tired of waiting and went on to continue to clean up around the house and what not. I then come back, and Ollie is curled up with lunch sitting in the middle, giving himself a bath.

Somehow, I dont think lunch quite realizes his position in all of this.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Name Change

Hope she doesn't mind too much. It works well at least - and I do like the new one and its meaning, even if it is all only temporary (but necessary). It adds a very nice touch I think. Because why shouldnt it have been?

"Silly girl, you are hiding and your still call yourself by your name?"

In other news, the lifters have started to tap. Which is semi expected if it truly is an oil pressure problem. Bleh. I should just drop in a rebuilt engine and not think about it ever again.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Oil Pressure

Was always a bitch when flying and then some lucky .50 or 20mm round caused it to plummet. I always knew I'd have to bail or ditch somewhere immediately. And nothing was worse than having a bandit on your six with a frozen engine. Of course, nothing was sweeter than seeing black smoke pour out of your target after raking it.

Currently, my oil pressure sending unit is telling me - quite suddenly - that the pressure is getting very low after a bit of use. That's no good. Hopefully its just a faulty detection. It could be the pump and/or clearance issues. Gonna find out Monday.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

The best lover

is the one that knows how to tease just right. Her sister was very good to me - I still adore her. Maybe I should visit her again sometime soon.

Let's just hope this young one manages to please once she's of age.


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

What cheerleading is not

So some girl was caught on film taking a bit of a fall while cheerleading at a basketball game. They - being the media - have been showing the same damn 2 clips over and over and over and over. It's getting more than annoying. "They" keep saying "And we'll have more on the cheerleading story you want to know about". No actually I dont really care about it at all. So she took a spill. Big deal. She's alive, and ok, and in good shape. Watching her cheer from her stretcher was entertaining for about half a second. But of course, "they" don't just stop there. Oh no.

"[Stunts are] a risk we all take cheerleading" she says at one point. Yeah, ok... I'll give you that. Let's not go too overboard with it. I can see the line you are edging to.

But don't fear, we have moronic anchors here to speak for you. "And let's not forget, cheerleading is a dangerous sport". Excuse me? Did I miss something? Did IQs just drop sharply while I was away getting a coke? Yeah there's *some* risk - but let's return to reality. A dangerous sport? I think not.

Is she leaping from a plane?
Is she BASE jumping?
Is she diving in caves?
Is she speed skiing?
Is she bull riding?
Is she free diving?

No, no, no, no, no, and no.

That's just six, but I'm sure I could double the list without any real effort of truly dangerous sports. Last I checked, you don't run a high risk of drowning, being impaled, crushed, mangaled, or flattened in cheerleading.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Ouch - I hurt

and I'm definately going to pay for it all tomorrow.

I guess you end up paying for fun one way or another. One of the most frustrating things about tonight was having my body fail to respond. I'm not just talking muscle fatigue, but rather, complete exhaustion. Couple that with some really rusty point control, and that adds up to a lot of missed touches - not too mention a lot of touches against me that I should have been able to get out of.

I did manage to score on "the master" a couple of times. So not all is lost it seems. Just a lot of rust on the ole blade. I should be giving him a much better run in a couple months. Another I'll be chasing for a bit. The last two (actually my first and last bouts) I'll be mopping up shortly - once my muscles start redevloping their lost endurance.

8 more days and it will be saber time.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Encryption does have its down side

- especially when the encrypted text is no longer accessible. Going back to some previous things, I just looked at it a few times, then walked away, then came back, rinse and repeat a dozen times, and for the life of me, I can't figure out the reference.

I'm suppose to be getting my final eval in hand this week and of course I'm just dying to know what is in it. That and I need to send it off to the CPE department to complete my residency applicaiton for the fall. And I need to mail off the taxes and some more paper work crap for the district. Blah blah blah. Tomorrow is going to be a day full of boring busiwork.

The end of the week should at least prove fruitful (potentially I hope). I am also wondering if topics might come up in regards to a short while ago. Perhaps. And how do I answer them? Do I pull punches? Do I redirect? And then, will the obvious attempt be confronted? Do I risk an obvious change in dynamics? Do I even want to go back there? That I suppose is the real crux of the matter. That answer is certainly a yes and no...

I'm still quite torn what I'm going to do with her. Overall plans are quite solid, and I know the direction to go in (and am going in). Unfortunately, there is some murky middle ground that needs to be hammered out. I'm just hoping I think of something by the time it comes around. No need to put the brakes on just yet to think it out. I'm banking on creativity managing to stir by the time I need something concrete. Always has before, and it certainly gives me something to think about while I soak.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

It's probably a good thing never to meet her.

Even if such things were possible. I've turned out to be quite abusive to her in the time I've spent. And to think, all I wanted was the best. She's in a new place now, but not quite where I want. Some day I'll have it sorted - soon...the proverbial soon I suppose. It depends on how cooperative she - and the rest - is. Back to the topic.

Not to say there haven't been some good times as well - but imagine being able to confront the person (or would I be a deity in this aspect?) that is solely responsible for all of your pains. And not just the little ones either - horrid nightmarish things that most people want to believe never really happen.

"Hello my dear. I am Megos."
"Megos the all powerful? Not a very good name, but I AM just seemed a bit unoriginal at the moment."
"I'm sorry I don't really follow..."
"I created this. All of it. You. Everything. All that has happened has been my will...say, what are you going to do with that sword?"
"You made me. I'm sure you can guess."

Friday, March 03, 2006

C&H Part II

There has been a debate circulating - probably since the beginning - on whether or not Hobbes is actually real, or if Calvin is just delusional (or just an imaginative 6 yr old). I've always maintained that Hobbes "is" and that people see him one way, and Calvin another.

This quote is taken directly from Bill Watterson:

"The so-called "gimmick" of my strip -- the two versions of Hobbes -- is sometimes misunderstood. I don't think of Hobbes as a doll that miraculously comes to life when Calvin's around. Neither do I think of Hobbes as the product of Calvin's imagination. . . . Calvin sees Hobbes one way, and everyone else sees Hobbes another way. I show two versions of reality, and each makes complete sense to the participant who sees it. I think that's how life works. None of us sees the world exactly the same way, and I just draw that literally in the strip."

Here's a big surprise...

"You're Calvin! You're imaginative and hyperactive. For the most part, you are an average 6-year old kid (except for the extraordinary vocabulary) You have an imaginary best friend because most kids your age really dont understand you."

Which Calvin and Hobbes Character are You?

Of course, it would seem that the quiz above doesn't really realize that Hobbes in fact, is.

The Daily Show

is hands down, one of the best inventions for TV ever. I am also of the opinion, that Mountian Dew, forcefully expelled from the nose, is one of the most annoying and painful experiences ever too. How are these two related? Simple really - upon watching their segment on myspace...well, you get the idea. At least it wasn't too bad to clean up.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

6th DSMT BT A Co

Oh, and in other news, it seems that my old unit I was attached to just got back from Iraq the other day. I caught a glimpse of it on the news, and they interviewed a SSgt - didn't recognize him at all, which was to be expected if seeing how I haven't been in for years now. So I hoped onto Google for a moment to see if they popped up in any news, and it seems that a WO from my beloved company was KIA as a result of hostile action. I didn't know him (doubtful that I would), but everything I've read and what others have say he embodied the true Marine spirit. Lead by example, volunteered to stay after his second tour was up, was promoted to WO, eager to lead convoys, and was top notch from keeping his uniform crisp and his body in shape.

Semper Fi

"I'm hit but it's not bad.

Artoo see what you can do with it."

Oh well, such is life.

I've noted that patience seems to be a rather key component right now - above and beyond the norm I think. Or perhaps its just the situation created that demands it (or did). At any rate, I would have made a fantastic sniper.

I've also started training during my offtime again. Mainly just a bit on my footwork and lunges, to keep the form nice and crisp, as well as some low impact, endurance things to get those muscle fibers back where they once were. God has blessed me with some rather long legs, and when at their peak, some rather fast ones too. Makes for some surprisingly quick touches from afar.

If the weather would ever decide to warm up completely, I could start my mile swims again too.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

This is Red Five

I'm goin' in!

Pray for Megos.