After years of studying fellow pilots, I’ve come up with this short quiz to that is pretty accurate about how “good” you are. Scoring is made easy so you don’t have to go back and figure it all out. Whatever number you pick, just keep a running total. So if you had 2s for everything that would be 30 points. Be honest, and all fours might not be what you want at the end.
1-You are flying along and spot an equal enemy fighter plane at your 12 o clock (e.g. spit vs 09), co E, heading straight for you. What is your first thought?
1) I don’t want to get shot down
2) This is gonna be a tough fight
3) I think I’ll win, but I need to be careful
4) Woot! Another kill!
2-You are flying along and spot an equal enemy fighter plane at your 12 o clock, co E, heading straight for you. What is your usual opening move?
1) Dive away. Screw anything fair
2) Hard bank. Gonna drag his *** for my wingman
3) Near head on, try and maneuver to his 6. I’ll take the challenge, but I’m not about to let him get a shot on me
4) Head on baby cakes! I’m gonna blast him out of the air on the first pass
3-You are flying along and spot a superior fighter plane who hasn’t seen you yet. What is your first thought?
1) Run. No need to fight the odds
2) Cautious. Maybe I can get some friends to help take him down
3) I can probably win. Try and set up a bounce or catch him off guard
4) This guy is gonna feel dumb when I shoot his *** down
4-You are flying along and get bounced. Your opponent scores a few hits, but you are still airborne. What is your first thought?
1) I just soiled my armor! I’m bugging out to the nearest AAA AI nest
2) Better safe than sorry, time to get a new plane
3) Time to evaluate. Maybe I can still do some damage
4) Hahah what a nub! He’s going down in flames.
5-You bounce an enemy fighter. He doesn’t go down and can still maneuver. What do you like to blame?
1) OMG deflector shields! Devs nerfed my plane!
2) Stupid stutters / frame rate
3) God I can’t shoot worth a damn
4) Blame? Its like a cat with a mouse now. He’s my btch!
6-You are flying solo and spot a large group of known enemy aircraft ahead (~4km). Any friendlies in the area will be severely outnumbered. What’s your attitude / what do you do?
1) I’m leaving. Gotta keep my ride safe. No use in wasting it
2) Run off temporarily. I should reform with a large group and come back later
3) I’ll see what I can do. Maybe save a few friendlies and lend a hand
4) Max / Max baby! Less friendlies are means more kills for me!
7-You are flying solo and spy a group of bombers with escorts below you. You definitely can make 1 “safe” bounce. After that, who knows. What do you do and why?
1) Hit the bombers, they are fat and slow
2) Hit the bombes, they hurt the ground guys more
3) Hit the fighters, Any escorts that go down is a good thing
4) Pfft 1 safe bounce? I’m all over that sht.
8-You score an aerial victory. What is your attitude?
1) I can’t believe I did it! Post in forums.
2) That was a tough fight, but I pulled it off. Post in forums
3) My opponent was ok, but I flew better. Post in forums
4) Only 1 kill? Man I’m sucking.
9-Do you fly with a wingman / what is your attitude about them?
1) Yes, I need someone else to be a target sometimes
2) Yes, I need my 6 cleared sometimes
3) I will, but its not a requirement
4) If you really want to tag along, I guess. But you better not steal any of my kills
10-You are shot down by an equal fighter (e.g. spit vs 09). What is your most predominant thought as you check CSR to see who it was?
1) That guy must be on the top 10 list. I hope I never see him again
2) I wonder who it was and maybe I’ll live longer next time
3) I gotta know who it was, I’m gonna wax him next time
4) Who’s the cheater?
11-At what altitude do you typically fly?
1) As high as I can go. Can’t see much, but at least everyone else is below me.
2) Pretty damn high. I need to be a little lower so I can spot people and I can always dive away if need be.
3) Med alt. I’m not above that many, but I don’t need the E. I can usually get away if I need to.
4) Deck. That’s where the nubs fly and that’s where the most kills are.
12-What’s your opinion on bombers?
1) They play a valuable role. I like flying them
2) They can help sometimes, I might fly them
3) They can help under the right circumstances, but they aren’t for me
4) Just another free lunch.
13-What’s your favorite color from the list below?
1) Blue
2) Blue, no wait, green!
3) Brown
4) Grey
14-For the primary strength of a plane, what do you prefer?
1) Speed
2) Climb
3) TnB
4) Firepower
15-Do you like to strafe squishies?
1) No, they are boring to shoot and it leaves me vulnerable
2) Yes, I like to help out the ground if the situation permits
3) Yes, I like to find loaded trucks pulling atgs
4) Yes, I like to watch the barracks whine about airquake
0-14 points: It’s likely you can’t get off the ground without a lot of help. Practice your arithmetic before you log in again.
15-60 points: You are hands down the most awesomest, bestest fighter pilot ever! Your opponents quake in fear at the mention of you name. You have earned the right to post your opinions as fact anything and everything air related. Be sure to post in the forums about how uber you are (and now certified!)
61+ points: It’s likely you can’t get off the ground without a lot of help. Practice your arithmetic before you log in again.