This marks day 2 of my orientation to residency. I'm really looking forward to the entire process, and in perhaps a sick way, being beat up, drained, exhuasted and thoroughly marred by the entire process. I'm certain this comes from knowing that at the end of it, I'll have grown tremendously, and while the process is painful, I do like knowing myself deeper than ever thought possible (and the ability to do so with others).
I also got called a professional today by one of my peers - and I don't mean by another resident (although technically we are). Rather, this comment came from who a consider an outstanding staff chaplain who I've worked with closely for a bit now and highly value that chaplain's opinion. The comment's timing was particularly nice, as it was made in response to wanting some feedback inregards to the a situation I am now in: the extreme short version being, taking up arms for S. against her would-be, family assassins. While I would have loved to simply reply (as per S's suggestion) with "fucking ridiculous" I did have to admit that not much good would come of it and needed to formulate a better approach.
Tommorrow morning we'll see the results.