Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I see dead people

They're everywhere, but I'm pretty sure they know they're dead.

After popping my head into a random room - well not really that random, one of those, check out the census, note a few things and go, "huh, that's weird" - a had been speaking with a pt for a bit and she asked "So do you see dead bodies a lot?"

"Yeah, all the time."

(shudder) "I dont think I could deal with that. Do you get nightmares?"

(laugh)"No, not yet at least"

I then proceed to tell her about my first deadbody that died on me while I was just a couple feet away. This then gets her to open the door a bit (a door I didn't even know was there, let alone close) and let me in. As much as I love just chit chatting about all sorts of things, it's nice to have a real talk. Although I suppose in this case, the chitchat was needed for what we professionals (I've been dying to say that) call "establishing rapport".

Same pt, different subject, it was really nice to have a pt that didn't care about language issues. Not to say that they were cursing like a drunken sailor, but it is a little funny when people start talking and say something like "Yeah and then I have to deal with all this shi--...errr stuff" Not her. Just the uncensored shit,crap,fuck, etc on occasion. I don't need the front. I don't care about any "bad" words. I won't be offended. And of course, I like seeing the real person - it makes getting where we may need to go a lot easier.


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