Talk about finding some real gems. Well, actually, she just merely links to Evil Editor ( who managd to get this particular query sent to him. At any rate, after reading queries such as the one below, I'm feeling much better about myself:
"I am not enclosing a manuscript at this moment. I wish to become more familiar with your company and its processes before divulging my work and I do mean work via any medium. I've spent the last three years on character develpment and background storyline layouts and because of the amount of effort that i've put into my literary work, I refuse to be foolish enough just to give the story away to anyone. The book, itself, consist of no measurable end as I will continue to write the story in a continuing series of cliff-hangers. I did not design the story for short term reading because of its potential to both evolve and to reach into new areas of the imagination. If you satisfy my requirements in the information I've requested, then i will submit to you the introduction for the book. The introduction, which consist of 16,000+ words, will give you an inclination of my writing skills. I wrote the introduction for two reasons. One, to familirize the reader with the main character and some sub-characters and two, it doesn't give any of the true story away in the event a company tries stealing something i've worked so hard on."
In semi-related news, my twenty twizzler bounty is not quite netting me any real results. Perhaps I should raise it to thirty or forty. But then I'd have to buy another bag.