I'm so gd good sometimes
Well, most of the time. There is the occasion when the Megos will drop the ball. Shocking I know.
At any rate, I was called to go meet a particular person at work who was having a text book definition of a catastrophic crisis (multiple crises at work). Practically the first words out by the other to me were "How old are you?" followed by an almost immediate dismissal. I've been pegged before for being young, but its usually in a humorous way, and one that certainly doesn't lead itself to "You're too young for this and can't help me at all" kind of thing. And the person was right, I couldn't possibly know exactly what was going on, or how it feels, but thankfully, I don't need to either. So I sat anyway, and after a little bit of coaxing, started to get somewhere - even with the pair of interuptions. (Very) Long story short, by the end, I got one of the best "thanks" ever. Guess I know what I'm doing :)
In other happenings, the family is still in the dark about everything, save a couple. Mrs Megos obviously is in the loop, but not counting her there's D. and S. Everyone else is just going about blindly. Which in truth, is fine by me. I'm not about to let them hammer me constantly, or do anything else that might be a little weird or stressing. I saw (and still see) how they treat S, and even she said "Trust me, you don't want to say anything". S. might be a little crazy - ok a lot, but I love it - but she's often right.
In a bit of impish evilness, I had suggested to her that the next time everyone gets together, and who knows when that will be since I don't blame her for not wanting to be around them, we swap "war" stories and see how long it takes for people to catch on. That would certainly liven up the gathering.