So I went and saw Narnia, and was quite pleased with it. I'm just stupified that my dad thinks the references aren't overly obvious. Each scene was just loaded. Well, maybe not each, but a lot. I do think its really funny that Lewis even stated himself that he did not start out by trying to write a Christian book for kids, but rather it just started out as a few images he had in mind. From there, it just built up. Anyway, I hopped on google as I was a little curious to see the reaction of others, and I came across this amazing gold nugget:
"I think that Narnia has a lion who dies and is resurrected, amazingly similar to that of Christ's death and resurrection. This is, of course, blasphemy. How low can we sink?" Pardon me, but WTF? That's a very emphatic fuck too btw. Maybe I missed something in my blasphemy 101 course, but how on earth does anyone get so rabid? And that was just one of many retarded comments.
I can sympathize at times like these with poor Ghandi when he said:
"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."I don't often speak as if coming with authority when it comes to the exact matters of God's views, but I have a terrible time trying to imagine that the Lord, God Himself was just itching to smite poor C.S. Lewis for blasphemy when he wrote such a fine set of works.
Can you just see Him up in the heavens, lightning bolt in hand (Oh no a Zeus-like reference! Surely I am damned!) just taking aim at Lewis while he was on his type-writer:
"Yeah I dare you to hit that last carriage return! How dare you make me into a lion!"Sometimes I'd like to meet one of these as a patient, and then watch their faces change when they realize their chaplain has done, and does, and enjoys all sorts of "blasphemies".
"Did I mention I use to run to Manson? He's got a good driving beat. Especially in The Beautiful People. Actually sounds like a good idea, maybe I'll fire him up tonight when I get done from work."