Thursday, July 26, 2007

More Universal Salvation

At work, I've come to jokingly call the doctrine "The Dark Side" I tease some of the die hard Baptists around here that they too should join the Dark Side of theology, and that its power is inescapable. This of course, just throws them into a tizzy as the very thought of there not being an eternal hell jars against everything they believe in. Furthermore, I just know it warps their mind that a previously "conservative" Christian could ever fall away from "the true teachings" and adopt such a belief, and then have the audacity to claim it is biblical. Hence the reason why I call it the Dark Side.

In all seriousness however, the more I hear people preach and argue for the classical sense of Hell at work - the doctrine that there exists a real hell, where God sends most everyone since only a few are saved, where they will burn & suffer for all of eternity - the more I believe that Universal Reconciliation (through Christ mind you) is in fact right. I hear very few biblical arguments, and it’s mostly philosophy or personal opinion built in circular form or just bad premises. The biblical arguments I hear are all the ones I use to use as well, and for the most part, they - those looking to scoff the Dark Side - do not want to listen to any sort of rebuttal. To me that simply means it’s too scary to consider that perhaps Hell isn't real in how we usually think of it. Then to top it off, it also means / implies that there are no real counter arguments to the exegetical side of the doctrine. Now that's not to say that there are none at all by anyone, as I have managed to dig up a number of well written articles from the classical side, but those too leave me wanting and feeling unfulfilled.

But back on track. I do find it funny that one particular person at work, who is adamantly opposed to the Dark Side, uses arguments that cut both ways. That is to say, they can be equally, if not more so applied to knock down the classic view of hell. For example, it was argued that hell must exist, because even though it is so terrible, it directs people to God and makes him think about God, and makes him even more appreciative of what He has done.

Let's turn this logic to Universal Reconciliation. I could just as easily say, I believe that it must be true that all will be redeemed from sin, and there is no eternal hell, for it brings everyone to God, makes everyone think about God, and makes Him truly capable of anything and makes me even more appreciative of all He has done and what He can do.

I suppose the lesson for today is, if one is advocating a certain position, arguments should be carefully thought about and constructed, lest they be used against what is being argued in favor of.


At 7:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey I found you through Chaplain Roy's Blog.
The Dark Side is GROWING!!!! hahaha!

Check us out at BOLD GRACE DOT COM


At 7:45 AM, Blogger DD3123 said...

I think I might take on the name Darth Megos as well. Thanks for dropping by!

At 10:44 AM, Blogger Redlefty said...

"The Dark Side", ha!


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