Thursday, January 12, 2006

Rabbi Joshua ben Levi

met Elijah standing at the the door of Rabbi Simeon be Yochai's tomb.
He said to him:--"Will I inherit the world to come?"

(Elijah) said:--"If the Lord here is willing!'

Rabbi Joshua ben Levi explained:--"I saw two but heard a third voice."

Then he said said to (Elijah):--"When will the Messiah come?"

(Elijah) said to him:--"Go, ask him yourself!"

--"And where does he sit?"

--"At the gate of the city."

--"And what sign will reveal him to me?"

--"There sit those who bear sufferings. and all of them loosen and bind (their bandages) together.But he loosens one and rebinds it, saying:'If I am wanted, I will not be delayed!'"

(Joshua) went back (to the gate and) said to him:--"Peace be with you, my Lord and Master!"

(The Messiah) said to him:--"Peace be with you, son of Levi!"

(Joshua) said to him:--"When will you come, Lord?"

He said to him:--"Today!"

(Joshua) came back to Elijah (who) said to him:--"What did he say to you?"

(Joshua) said to him:--"(He said:) 'Peace be with you, son of Levi!'"

(Elijah) said to him:--"He promised you and your father the world to come!'

(Joshua) said to him:--"He told me a lie! For he said he would come today but he did not come!"

(Elijah) said to him:--"He told you thus:'Today, if you will hear his voice"

--- Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 98a

Yet another concept of the wounded healer.


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