26 days.
26 goddamn days.
Jesus H Christ. I'm never gonna make it. Maybe if I had some zombies to kill (I'd need a couple of extra days for that) I could occupy my time.
I put in my application for my residency for later this year. I hope I get in. Two biggest hurdles is the completed M.Div and an ecc. endorsment (thanks UMC for making this such a long process, shoulda stayed a Lutheran :p ). I hope put my time in back at WP Memorial, but they will probably want me to broaden my experiences. Bleh. WP is a really, really nice hospital. I dont like East too much. Feels too confined and crowded, like I'm running around the inside of a ship. WP is nice and laid out. The main campus is really REALLY nice too, but really like chaplains to be fluent in spanish - which I'm not. Sprechen Sie Deutsch?
In other fronts, I've been expanding my network looking for a lit agent to sell my soul too, especially because the editing is almost done for a final copy to be printed and sent out. I've been quite encouraged by what I've seen and read in terms of getting published. I found a number of useful sites, pages, and most importantly agent's blogs (anonymous of course) that have proved an invaluable source of information. What to do, what not to do, what they are looking for, and what will send your manuscript into the recycle bin instantly. I'm quite confident that I can get past the first two stages which are (in general order)
1- Read the Synopsis (is the plot clear? Is it really stupid? Can you summarize your story well? etc)
2 - Read X pages (10 pages or even as far as 1-3 chapters and determine whether or not the author can write, and if the story is compelling enough to continue)
After step 2 would be getting the entire thing read by the agent, and then hopefully signed on with instead of the polite "Sorry, just not interested right now". Statistically speaking, it will be the latter. Hopefully the foremost.
Then I just need it sold to a publisher and I'll be a happy little clam.
Speaking of which, how the fuck do people know if clams are happy? Maybe they are really pissed off all the time. I would be. Stuck in the muck, just sitting there constantly, hoping that something or someone doesnt pry you open. What's there to look forward to as a clam? Nothing.
So if people who believe in reincarnation are right, sign me up for "not a clam"
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