And the hits keep on coming...
Had yet another S. to deal with today. God, it seems that I get them all. This was a really bad one too. Arj comes in second I guess, but I'm definately getting most of the S's. Our staff chaplain was quite apologetic when he asked about the call.
"Hey Galen, what happened?"
" I'm really sorry. I would have taken it for you if I had known."
I then informed him that these were extremely personal as well, and he was even more empathetic. (S's are personal for him too). So we sort of bonded I guess in that aspect.
I hate being dropped in on those. I knew what it was going to be within 10 seconds of standing next to the nurse while she was on the phone. And speaking of that particular I wanted to smack her. You don't see me going around telling her how to stick needles into people. Kindly STFU and don't tell me how to do my job either. I've had more of my share of S's now, so don't aim your charged emotions at me and think you know what you're doing. Especially when your "I want you to..." is just plain stupid.
I suppose that this will give me another thing for today to vent about with my peers come Monday. Overall it went well, considering the subject I guess. It would have been nice to know *some* spanish as the A. was not only completely distraught, but speaking 95% of the time in Spanish so I had no idea what she was saying (although her body language made it pretty obvious I guess in general). At least I didn't react against it as hard as I did my first one. I shelled a little when I realized what was going on, and managed to adjust internally accordingly. Guess I've learned a few things.
In other news, V. said he'd love to have me on staff. That would be quite fun. I love WP especially. Course, that would mean that they alter a few rules about hiring staff for that position, which as of yet, isn't going to happen. Poop. In the meantime, during / after my residency I can fill in as a pool chaplain, which would be fine until I'm *finally* done with everything else.
Maybe by then I've whispered in enough ears (in a sense) that I can get in FT. At least some people think I'm worthy enough not to be replaced.
On a seperate note, and a high one at that, I got an email from a pt family from a month ago. A very warm and sincere thank you, with updates on everyone and what not. Nice to know I touched them and was in their life enough to warrant a contact.
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