Friday, June 06, 2008

4 weeks, 1 day

So my cousin was plowed by a car almost a month ago. How did I find out you ask? Did someone call me? Parents? Her parents? Her brother? Her flavor of the month? Nope. Read it on a fucking news site a few days after it happened. How fucked up is that. Even more FUBAR is that at the time, she was in a coma. And for those of you that get their medical knowledge of comas from daytime soap operas, comas are not something people generally come out of. They are lethal. They have less than a 50% survival rate. Working the ICU during my intern and the MSICU (multisystem, you're prolly gonna die) during my residency armed me with such knowledge.

At this point however, she's awake, alive, and can sorta move and sorta talk. Seeing how I was about to lose my mind, I'm more than happy with just that.


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