Thursday, February 02, 2006

I always have so much to say.

I've been working on my final eval and its going quite well. Technically I suppose I've finished, but I have yet to even go back and edit it once, and as such, I know I could double its length without any real trouble. I do have to wrap it up relatively soon, as it is due by noon on this Sunday, and starting tomorrow, I'm not going to work on it at all (I'm not going to even delude myself into thinking I might). So that basically leaves 6 hours from right now to have it finished and ready to be sent out.

I don't know why I' m still amazed that I'm amazed at people. They are always doing dumb things, or saying/doing things that are just mind boggling.

Something typical:
"Do you see a pattern here?"
"What do you mean?"
"What usually happens..."
"Things go to crap" or "I do this..."
"What makes this different then?"
(pause) "Well I can try"

Usually at this point I'd like to beat them over the head. People are free to make bad choices in the end. The Lord certainly knows I have - and I suppose it is only by His grace I'm still here. By now, I would think I would just say to myself "It'll never stop" but yet, at some level, I always think I've seen it all once X happens. What's even odder (or not so odd) are the ones that manage to convince themselves of a certain course of action, know they are rationalizing, but go ahead and do it anyway. Self-destructive behavior I guess is the proper term - and it knows no bounds. "This will not end good" you can say, and point it out very plainly why, but sadly, it usually doesn't make much of a difference.

It reminds me of the people I'd watch playing the roulette table. All sorts of devious strategies and betting formulas are devised, thinking that they will be different. They truly have the edge that no one else does. Try as you might, and explain to them what random really means, what probability does in the long run, and they will still be convinced that if they play just a little longer, and bet all their money on a certain number, it's just bound to come up.

The House wins, always. Casinos are not in buisness to hand out money, despite how many pictures you see hanging on their walls suggesting otherwise. There's a reason why Trump runs casinos instead of plays in them.

Choices have consequences - good or bad.

Wishing for pikes doesn't stop the horses.


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