Thursday, November 10, 2005

Happy 230th USMC!

I felt a bit compelled to make a blog at the stroke of midnight. What's to say? Quite alot, but I'll spare the hordes of my audience such a long monologue. General Hagee, Commandant of the USMC, has a nice summary I think in part of his birthday message:

"The sense of honor, courage, and patriotism that epitomized those who answered that first call to arms two hundred and thirty years ago is still indelibly imprinted on our ranks today. Incommemorating our anniversary, let us strengthen our ties to the past by paying homage to those whohave gone before us. As we honor the sacrifices of our wounded and fallen comrades, our commitmentto one another remains unshakable. We take special pride in the actions of the Marines now serving inharm's way, and rededicate ourselves the service of our Nation and our Corps."

So, on that note, I'll end this on the above, and the fact that I'm immensely proud to have had the honor to serve in the Corps, and recognize that the experience and ability to claim the title of Marine has served me greatly as a chaplain.

Semper Fi


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