Sunday, October 24, 2004

Its so nice to see good board game conversions

First up, HeroQuest. Had this game back in the day, and if you can actually find one for sale, I'd say pick it up. You had a main board, which was the dungeon, which through various pieces, would have different layouts to keep all the missions fresh, and you would get to go explore and kill stuff, and pick up treasures to help your characters.

You can grab the computer version at

I also found a very nice Space Hulk adaptation. I had found a javascript version, but didn't like it very much. The commercialized SH by EA wasn't a true conversion either, as they had to appeal to the masses. All the original SH missions are included, and the AI is pretty good. Its open source, so hopefully the DW expansion might make an appearance. I'd contribute myself, but alas, I have not the rules (or the scenarios) :(


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