Wow almost a month
I've been slacking on this. Well, not much else seems news worthy as "dad" as a lot of my energies have been around that.
I have also had a bit of an encounter in the theological realm, the kind that is like "Hmmm, never thought I'd question *that*!" Namely, heaven, hell, salvation, etc. right to the very core. Well, almost the very core. Christ is the core, and He's untouched. I have however, been challenged with the notion that maybe there's a large flaw that exists in the mainstay of Christian doctrine. Originally I had dismissed what is known as "universal reconciliation" right out the window. For the layman, its the belief that Christ has paid the penalty for all sins for all of the human race, everywhere in everytime. That means everyone, everyone. Everyone is "saved" and eventually comes around to God - either pre or post death. There's a down and dirty article on Wiki. And as I had always thought before, it wasn't really based on anything but "good" feelings, and clearly went against everything the church had taught for a long time, not to mention was about as unbiblical as one could get. Obviously the Bible - whether you think its the true Word of God - teaches a hell, and that some (or a great deal) of people will be condemned to it; lost if you will.
As it stands now, after doing a lot of reading (a lot!) I have come to two conclusions. First, the arguements for Universal reconciliation are sound, have merit and are quite solid. Secondly, I'm now more convinced of those arguements than I am of my original line of thought (the mainstay of Christian belief). That's not to say I'm completely persuaded just yet, but all of my initial objections to the belief, both historical and exegetical (bible study) have been for the most part, shot down and/or answered quite well. Its a very weird feeling to have - again no less - a core belief reshaped so quickly.
I suppose at this point, its simply being called into question. But still - very interesting stuff.
Hello friend! It seems that we’re on similar journeys, and I look forward to walking along with you for a bit.
Bruce (
Enjoy the journey of faith. For months I struggled with this notion. I brought it to the blogging community last month and we did a series of posts on it. Check through my archives andyou will the dialogue that went on over it.
I'm always up for dialogue. Thanks for the heads up.
Thank God that God loves us all. Blessings to you.
Welcome to the blogging world. I think raising questions and looking at your belief set will be a great exercise for you - and in the end - you will be much richer (well rounded) for it.
I am somewhat in the same bota you are in about Universal Reconciliation.
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