Wednesday, October 05, 2005


That's me. At least til Feb. and that's what I've been doing the past month or so. Its definately a unique experience, and definately is exactly how I thought in terms that, no matter what anyone said about it, or what stories they could share, I couldn't ever really relate (just like bootcamp stories prior to me actually going to PI) until I did it. A minor excerpt from one of my reflections (part of the intern training):

"I started my shift Wednesday with a brief encounter of one of my new nurse friends. And I should probably give a little background on this coming story, by going back to last week with another story. Last Wednesday, before my first patient (or maybe second) I had ducked behind the nurse’s station to wash my hands and check the charts, etc. when a nurse walked up to me and said, “What are you doing behind my nurse’s station? Are you allowed back here?” in a bit of a joking, scolding manner. I simply turned (I was finishing washing my hands), smiled, and pointed at my nametag. She leans in a bit to read it and says “Oh I’m sooooo sorry chaplain!” to which all of her friends there at work started laughing at her and teasing “Ooooo you’re going to hell!”"


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